Federated e-Identity Management Across the Gulf Cooperation Council

Ali Al-Khouri Al-Khouri


The concept of federated e-identity is gaining attention worldwide in light of evolving identity management challenges to streamlining access control and providing quality and convenient online services. In a federated system, participating institutions share identity attributes based on agreed-upon standards, facilitating authentication from other members of the federation and granting appropriate access to online resources. The article provides insight into the ongoing federated e-Identity initiative in GCC countries. The aim of the initiative is to develop a trusted and secure cross-border infrastructure to authenticate and validate citizens' identities across GCC borders. Such an interoperability platform then can be used to facilitate citizens' mobility and stand as the basis for digital economy development. Current literature does not include any information about the work going on in GCC countries in relation to the GCC eID platform. This article thus contributes to developing a better understanding of such practices, triggers debate and discussion, opens the door to reflection, and guides international efforts in this eminent domain of practice.

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