Representation of social actors in the participatory journalism process - a case from India

Supriya Rakesh, Rahul De


Recent decades have seen the emergence of participatory journalism - as a movement within and as an alternative to traditional, mainstream media. Largely fuelled by the widespread use of internet technology and social media, this shift is touted to have blurred the traditional roles and boundaries in the journalistic process. The aim of this research paper is to critically examine the representations of roles and relations between social actors in the organised participatory journalism process. Applying a lens of identity theories, we use publicly available data from a single case to draw an interpretation. The findings show that traditional identities and social differences are perpetuated in representations of the actors as they occupy complementary roles, form separate identity categories and partake in hierarchical relations. The findings bring out aspects of inclusion and exclusion, complementary roles, power differences, asymmetrical relations, and exchange of social and material resources.

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