smartyEscape("In the United States the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) on June 30, 2009, issued proposed guidelines for service efforts and accomplishments (SEA) performance reporting for state and local governments. This paper discusses GASB’s proposed voluntary guidelines along with some recommendations for further improvement of SEA performance reporting. The proposed guidelines involve three elements (essential components, qualitative characteristics, and communication of SEA information). The proposal identifies four essential components for an effective SEA report (purpose and scope, major goals and objectives, key measures of SEA performance, and discussion and analysis of results and challenges). Also, the GASB proposal discusses six qualitative characteristics to be considered in developing SEA performance information (relevance, understandability, comparability, timeliness, consistency, and reliability). This proposal should increase the transparency of the SEA performance data presented to the constituents and other governmental users.") File: D:\Sites\\lib\pkp\lib\smarty\Smarty.class.php line 1869 Function: include("D:\Sites\\cache\t_compile\mpgTheme^%%28^280^280EE005%%dublincore.tpl.php") File: D:\Sites\\lib\pkp\classes\template\ line 211 Function: Smarty->_smarty_include(Array(2)) File: D:\Sites\\cache\t_compile\mpgTheme^%%35^350^3508C2FA%%header.tpl.php line 33 Function: PKPTemplateManager->_smarty_include(Array(2)) File: D:\Sites\\lib\pkp\lib\smarty\Smarty.class.php line 1869 Function: include("D:\Sites\\cache\t_compile\mpgTheme^%%35^350^3508C2FA%%header.tpl.php") File: D:\Sites\\lib\pkp\classes\template\ line 211 Function: Smarty->_smarty_include(Array(2)) File: D:\Sites\\cache\t_compile\mpgTheme^%%38^38D^38D7420B%%article.tpl.php line 6 Function: PKPTemplateManager->_smarty_include(Array(2)) File: D:\Sites\\lib\pkp\lib\smarty\Smarty.class.php line 1256 Function: include("D:\Sites\\cache\t_compile\mpgTheme^%%38^38D^38D7420B%%article.tpl.php") File: D:\Sites\\lib\pkp\classes\template\ line 296 Function: Smarty->fetch("article/article.tpl", Null, Null, True) File: D:\Sites\\lib\pkp\classes\template\ line 347 Function: PKPTemplateManager->fetch("article/article.tpl", Null, Null, True) File: D:\Sites\\pages\article\ line 226 Function: PKPTemplateManager->display("article/article.tpl") File: (unknown) line (unknown) Function: ArticleHandler->view(Array(1), Object(Request)) File: D:\Sites\\lib\pkp\classes\core\ line 362 Function: call_user_func(Array(2), Array(1), Object(Request)) File: D:\Sites\\lib\pkp\classes\core\ line 220 Function: PKPRouter->_authorizeInitializeAndCallRequest(Array(2), Object(Request), Array(1), False) File: D:\Sites\\lib\pkp\classes\core\ line 134 Function: PKPPageRouter->route(Object(Request)) File: D:\Sites\\lib\pkp\classes\core\ line 178 Function: Dispatcher->dispatch(Object(Request)) File: D:\Sites\\index.php line 65 Function: PKPApplication->execute() Server info: OS: WINNT PHP Version: 5.3.28 Apache Version: N/A DB Driver: mysql DB server version: 5.7.39-0ubuntu0.18.04.2-log

New Guidelines for Service Efforts and Accomplishments Reporting in the United States

Judith A. Sage, Lloyd G. Sage


In the United States the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) on June 30, 2009, issued proposed guidelines for service efforts and accomplishments (SEA) performance reporting for state and local governments. This paper discusses GASBs proposed voluntary guidelines along with some recommendations for further improvement of SEA performance reporting. The proposed guidelines involve three elements (essential components, qualitative characteristics, and communication of SEA information). The proposal identifies four essential components for an effective SEA report (purpose and scope, major goals and objectives, key measures of SEA performance, and discussion and analysis of results and challenges). Also, the GASB proposal discusses six qualitative characteristics to be considered in developing SEA performance information (relevance, understandability, comparability, timeliness, consistency, and reliability). This proposal should increase the transparency of the SEA performance data presented to the constituents and other governmental users.

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